"When I drink the BodyLove Chocolicious Greens, I feel like I'm embraced in decadence. I feel like a goddess, like bathing in silk on the inside. OMG it's freakin' delicious! Far out.... almond, chocolate rich creamy yummmmmm! My skin is glowing and I'm going to the loo more regularly too (yes, I'm talking about poop) which is a huge breakthrough for me!"
- Hannah Millerick, Photographer www.HannahMillerick.com
I just wanted to tell you that I am very, very pleased with BodyLove Chocolicious Greens. I'm finishing up on my 1st box and I feel great!! Now I have more energy to actually WANT to exercise!! I have lost 18 pounds (about 8 kilos), and everybody, including my co-workers all want to know my secret. I've tried all the diet pills, drinks, etc., and nothing has ever worked like this product. Now I share my magic secret with everybody! It's the BodyLove Chocolicious Greens. Now even more of my co-workers are interested. I absolutely love this product because it has actually REALLY helped me!!! My family says that I look energized and healthy. I haven't heard those words in such a long time!!! Believe me, I was super happy to hear them. Over the past few years, I gained a lot of weight and could never lose any pounds no matter what I did. With BodyLove Chocolicious Greens, I no longer have sugar cravings and I know that what I am putting into my body is healthy. This is definitely a product I cannot live without!
– Angela Orn doff
"It's happiness and healthiness in a cup - as well as totally delish!! I'm besotted. Let the new love affair for pleasure and healthy chocolate begin!"
— Sara Mc Mahon
"I was pre-diabetic before I started eating Ingrid's BodyLove Chocolicious Greens and within two weeks my doctor was amazed at how low my blood sugar had fallen. Incredible! I also lost 7 kilos in three weeks and never felt deprived. It was easy! I kicked my sugar addiction and feel fantastic."
– Gypsy Rose
I love BodyLove Chocolicious Greens! I used to diet all the time and had an eating disorder for years. The BodyLove Chocolicious Greens are so delicious that I've now fallen in love with food again in a whole new way.
- Krissy Mc Morrow
"This is my new beauty secret! I'm a super busy makeup artist and use the Bodylove Chocolicious Greens every day to keep my energy powering along. It's the only way I can get through the day without feeling exhausted or eating half a block of chocolate at 3pm! My skin is glowing, my hair is shiny and my bloating has disappeared. I feel so relieved that I've discovered a healthy drink that tastes so deliciously good. Now, that I've kicked my sugar habit to the curb I also feel pretty good about myself too.... Bonus.”
– Georgia Stimon, Makeup Artist.
"I travel consistently and also work late into the night. What can I say, I love what I do. What I don't love is the tremendous cravings that would have me reaching for unhealthy snacks late into the night. But now that's an unhealthy habit of the past. BodyLove Chocolicious Greens have saved me from my endless snacking and lethargy. I'm able to keep working effectively with energy to go! I've lost five kilos too which is definitely a beauty bonus. I also usually hate stevia so initially I was skeptical but there is no funky aftertaste with BodyLove Chocolicious Greens. I'm in love with this product."
- CEO, Lydia Jordane, Lycon Cosmetics
"Ingrid Arna's BodyLove Chocolicious Greens taste truly divine, like a nutritious dessert or treat. I've been drinking the Chocolate Greens as an easy afternoon snack at work, when I feel like something sweet after lunch. It's the perfect replacement for chocolate and raiding the vending machine or after dinner as a dessert! I love knowing I'm doing something great for my body at the same time."
– Bel Wilson, Graphic Designer